Sunday, October 17, 2010

Writing when sick... hard to do.

I mean. it's hard enough to write when you feel good, let alone when you feel like a wad of gum that someone stepped on after walking through dog poop.

I am feeling better now, though my nose is still stuffed and I don't think enough oxygen is getting to my brain. Every so often, I say something and it comes out backwards and my daughter falls on her butt laughing.

I also forgot how I maintain my different versions of the draft of my manuscript while I was sick, and I have two versions, each with a different set of edits and additions. So, while I thought that writing while sick and my brain was oxygen deprived was a good idea, I am realizing that I may have just created more work for myself.

So, my advice? When sick, refrain from writing and concentrate on getting well. Or if you do write, try something to just stir the juices, like a short story or a poem. Something that won't be detrimental to a long-term project when you realize you hosed it up.

Has anyone else hosed up a manuscript and been stuck fixing it? Any ideas on an easy way to confront the situation? I'm just spending time sitting and staring at the two files wondering how to tackle it.

Maybe I need to wait for the oxygen to hit my brain.

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