I am having trouble getting into editing "Red." I think it is partly because I have had an idea for another story and had to get it down on paper (or into a file as it were). So, I have been putting fingers to keys and getting the idea into a form that I can remember before getting back to “Red.”
Of course, I also need to take another look at my second “dragons” story (part 2 of a trilogy). It is mostly done, but it is in that two-month window where I don’t want to look at it. I need time away from a story so that I can see the problems in it – all those holes that need to be filled. Gain some distance, I guess you can call it.
This new story idea is about a male character. I dreamed a dream and I was a guy. My husband laughed when I told him. He wonders how I can write from a male’s perspective since I have so much experience as a male. Har har.
I told him it was a story and that is what writers do. They don’t write from their own perspective – they have to write from their character’s perspective. Otherwise, they would be writing their own story over and over and that would get boring pretty quick.
So, as I continue to procrastinate about “Red” I am tinkering with other projects. Maybe it is because “Red” is so old for me now – I mean, I wrote it 15 years ago. I am having trouble getting into the character’s head to see the world (a science-fiction world) from her point of view.
I will keep trying though, at least until I am ready to take my second look at “Dragons 2”. Kaalinda deserves it.
Frolick. Book Review: Hunger Games
14 years ago